Collage of 4 images. Bottom left image: A woman is on a stage sitting within a yellow beanbag. Right image: Woman in a tan jacket smiling at camera. Image right top: Woman lays on sheets in white underwear in front of ceramic pots. Top left image: Collection of 5 stars next to the written words Ed Fest Mag and 4 stars with the words, The Guardian, The Scotsman, Across The Arts.


Demi Nandhra is an award-winning artist and writer based in Birmingham. She produces work that sits within the realms of contemporary theatre, live art, socially engaged projects, and most recently screenwriting and TV.

Her focus tends to be around themes such as Mental Health, Trauma, Oppression, Relationships, and Care. Much of their work starts from personal lived experiences before widening out to look at larger frameworks and systems that are usually rooted in harm.

They centre honesty and vulnerability within their work and aim to create safe and accessible environments.

They have no interest in mining pain for a spectacle or creating trauma porn.

In 2019, Demi made her Edinburgh Fringe Festival debut with Life is No Laughing Matter. The show received critical acclaim and was nominated for ‘The Total Theatre Award for Emerging Artist’ and ‘The Mental Health Fringe Award’ The show won a Lustrum Award from Summerhall.

That success, lead to the show being optioned for TV development, and is currently working with Firebird Productions.

Demi’s work is shown in the UK and internationally. Selection of commissioning and programming partners include Sky TV, Summerhall, Wellcome Collection, Contact, Mac Birmingham, Battersea Arts Centre, Fierce Festival, Buzzcut Festival, LADA, Sophiensaele, REP, Warwick Arts Centre and Camden Peoples Theatre.

Demi also works as a facilitator, outside eye and mentor.